Ingredient - Zinc oxide

Name Details

Name Start Date End Date
Current Name Current Name Zinc oxide Start Date 28-10-2002 End Date


Code Start Date End Date
42841002 28-10-2002

Virtual Medicinal Products (VMPs)

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Page 3 of 5 - 91 total results
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VMPs for VTM
Name Discontinued Invalid
Generic Calamine and Glycerin cream
Generic Germolene antiseptic ointment
Generic Hemocane cream
Generic Lactocalamine lotion
Generic Potter's Dermacreme ointment
Generic St. James' Balm ointment
Generic Sudocrem antiseptic healing cream
Generic Teangi Tea Tree and Witch Hazel cream
Generic Vasogen cream
Generic Vivioptal capsules
Ichthammol 1% / Zinc oxide 15% in Yellow soft paraffin
Ichthammol 10% / Zinc oxide 15% in Yellow soft paraffin
Ichthammol 2% / Zinc oxide 15% in Yellow soft paraffin
Ichthammol 5% / Zinc oxide 15% in Yellow soft paraffin
Kaolin heavy 20.76% / Zinc oxide 4.5% cream
Olive oil 20% / Compound benzoin tincture 3% in Compound zinc paste
Phenol 2% in Compound zinc paste
Reflectant sunscreen beige (Dundee formula) cream
Reflectant sunscreen coffee (Dundee formula) cream
Reflectant sunscreen coral pink (Dundee formula) cream