Ingredient - Guaifenesin

Name Details

Name Start Date End Date
Current Name Current Name Guaifenesin Start Date 12-05-2003 End Date


Code Start Date End Date
87174009 12-05-2003

Virtual Medicinal Products (VMPs)

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VMPs for VTM
Name Discontinued Invalid
Generic Adult Meltus for Chesty Coughs and Catarrh oral solution
Generic Beechams All-In-One oral solution sugar free
Generic Beechams All-In-One tablets
Generic Beechams Veno's Expectorant oral solution
Generic Benylin Mucus Cough Night oral solution
Generic Bronchial Cough mixture
Generic Covonia Cold & Flu Formula oral solution sugar free
Generic Dimotane Expectorant oral solution sugar free
Generic Junior Meltus for Chesty Coughs and Catarrh oral solution sugar free
Generic Lemsip Max All in One Cold & Flu capsules
Generic Lemsip Max All in One oral powder sachets
Generic Multi-Action Actifed Chesty Coughs oral solution
Generic Noradran Bronchial syrup
Guaifenesin 1% oral solution
Guaifenesin 100mg/5ml / Cetylpyridinium chloride 2.5mg/5ml oral solution sugar free
Guaifenesin 100mg/5ml / Levomenthol 1.1mg/5ml oral solution
Guaifenesin 100mg/5ml / Levomenthol 1.1mg/5ml oral solution 5ml sachets
Guaifenesin 100mg/5ml / Pseudoephedrine 30mg/5ml oral solution
Guaifenesin 100mg/5ml / Pseudoephedrine 30mg/5ml oral solution sugar free
Guaifenesin 100mg/5ml oral solution