

  • ACBS Indicator

    Product is recommended by the Advisory Committee on Borderline Substances and is included in Part XV of the Drug Tariff.
    Indicator held at AMPP level

  • ATC Code

    Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical coding system produced by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
    Indicator held at VMP level

  • Availability Restrictions

    Information concerning any restrictions that have been placed upon the availability of actual products.
    Indicator held at AMP level


  • Basis of Strength Description

    Strength of the active ingredient(s) of a product and whether it is based upon the complete substance or by part of the complete substance, the ‘base’.
    Indicator held at VMP level

  • BoSS

    Basis of Strength Substance - Ingredient substance and is the part of the ingredient that the strength of a given product is based upon.
    Indicator held at VMP level

  • Broken Bulk

    Product is eligible for broken bulk claims within primary care.
    Indicator held at AMPP level


  • Colour

    Colour when an appliance is available in more than one colour and would otherwise be identical.
    Indicator held at AMP level

  • Combination pack

    Pack is a combination pack i.e. contains two or more components.

  • Combination Pack Indicator

    Pack is a combination pack or a component only pack.
    Indicator held at VMPP and AMPP level

  • Combination product

    Two or more components each of which is a product in its own right, although components may not be available or prescribable

  • Combination Product Indicator

    Combination product or a component only product.
    Indicator held at VMP and AMP level.

  • Component only pack

    Pack that is not available in its own right.

  • Component only product

    Product that is not available in its own right

  • Controlled Drug Category

    Allocated according to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and the restrictions of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations.
    Indicator held at VMP level


  • Dental Indicator

    Pack is included in Part XVIIA of the Drug Tariff as being prescribable by Dentists.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.

  • Devices

    Licensing Authority - Appliances and devices authorised by the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) or European Conformity (CE) marked under the relevant medical device directives.

  • Discontinued

    Pack has been discontinued by the manufacturer or reinstated having previously been discontinued.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.

  • Discount not Deducted Indicator

    Product has been identified as one for which the dispensing contractor has not received discount and as such when reimbursed no discount deduction is applied.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.

  • Dmr

    Denominator (Dmr). - Indicates the strength denominator.
    Indicator held at VMP level.

  • Drug Tariff

    Publication which outlines what will be paid to pharmacy contractors for NHS services provided either for reimbursement or for remuneration (England and Wales)

  • Drug Tariff Payment Category

    Categorisation of drugs, appliances, chemical reagents and oxygen as provided in the Drug Tariff.
    Indicator held at VMPP level.

  • Drug Tariff Previous Price

    Drug Tariff previous price.

  • Drug Tariff Price

    Price (in pence) listed in the Drug Tariff for a particular date. This price is indicative only.
    Indicator held at VMPP level.


  • EMA Indicator

    Drug on the list(s) of medicinal products under additional monitoring issued by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) i.e. black triangle drugs.
    Indicator held at AMP level.


  • Flavour

    Flavour where a supplier provides two or more Actual Products that are clinically equivalent and differentiated only by flavour.
    Indicator held at AMP level.

  • FP10 MDA Indicator

    Drug can be prescribed and consequently dispensed in instalments on a FP10MDA form.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.

  • FP34 Indicator

    Product is allowed as a 'Bulk Vaccine' on personal administration claims within primary care.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.

  • Free From

    Indicates the absence of Sugar, CFC, Gluten and Preservatives (eye drops)


  • GSL

    Legal category - Licensed medicine and pack size of the product is included in the General Sales List (GSL)

  • GTIN Code

    Global Trade Item Number - A globally unique number used to identify trade items, products, or services.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.


  • Hospital Indicator

    Pack that is only to be made available through hospital prescribing.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.


  • Ingredient Name

    VMP ingredient substance(s)


  • There are currently no terms listed


  • There are currently no terms listed


  • Legal Category

    Legal category of the actual product pack, as specified by The Human Medicines Regulations.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.

  • Licensed Route

    Representation of the place in or on the body where the product is introduced in order to achieve the desired therapeutic effect.
    Indicator held at AMP level.

  • Licensing Authority

    Licensing authority of the product.
    Indicator held at AMP level.


  • Medicines - MHRA/EMA

    Licensing Authority - Medicinal products having a valid marketing authorisation (MA) or product license (PL) issued by the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) or the European Medicines Agency (EMA)


  • Name

    VMP or AMP name

  • Nmr

    Numerator (Nmr). - Indicates the strength numerator.
    Indicator held at VMP level.

  • Non-availability Indicator

    No actual medicinal products which correspond to the VMP available.
    Indicator held at VMP level.

  • Nurse Formulary

    Pack is included in Part XVIIB(i) of the Drug Tariff as being prescribable by Community Practitioner nurse prescribers.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.


  • Ontology Form/Route

    Combined information relating to the route and form of a product at the point of administration to the patient.
    Indicator held at VMP level.


  • P

    Legal category - Pack size of a product which is categorised as a Pharmacy medicine and is a licensed medicine and is not included in the General Sales List or the Prescription Only Medicine order

  • Pack Order Number

    Appliances where the pack has order numbers within the Drug Tariff.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.

  • Pack size

    Expressed by mass, volume, number of entities or otherwise in a container or package.

  • PADM Indicator

    Product when personally administered by the prescriber in primary care, attracts a fee.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.

  • Parallel Import

    Actual Product has been procured and imported from within the European Union and has a parallel import licence – PL(PI).
    Indicator held at AMP level.

  • POM

    Legal category - Licensed medicine and the pack size of a product is included in the Prescription Only Medicine order

  • Prescribing Status

    Indicates whether VMP is valid to prescribe.
    Indicator held at VMP level.

  • Prescription Charges

    Number of standard prescription charges applicable when this type of product pack is dispensed as defined in the Drug Tariff.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.

  • Prescription Fees

    Number of standard dispensing fees associated with the pack as defined in the Drug Tariff.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.

  • Previous name

    Previous VMP or AMP name

  • Previous Price

    Indicates previous indicative price

  • Price

    Indicative price (in pence) of actual medicinal product pack.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.

  • Price Basis

    Identifies an indicative NHS price or the reason why the price field has no value.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.

  • Product order number

    Appliances with order numbers within the Drug Tariff.
    Indicator held at AMP level.


  • There are currently no terms listed


  • Reimbursement Status

    Appliance is allowed for reimbursement purposes and is included in the Drug Tariff.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.

  • Route

    Representation of the place in or on the body where the product is introduced in order to achieve the desired therapeutic effect.
    Indicator held at VMP level.


  • Schedule 1

    Drug is included in Schedule 1 of the NHS (General medical Services Contracts) (Prescription of Drugs etc.) Regulations 2004 (Statutory Instrument No 629).
    Indicator held at AMPP level.

  • Schedule 2

    Drug is included in Schedule 2 of the NHS (General medical Services Contracts) (Prescription of Drugs etc.) Regulations 2004 (Statutory Instrument No 629).
    Indicator held at AMPP level.

  • Size/Weight

    Appliance where this information is not captured within the VMP name.
    Indicator held at AMP level.

  • Snomed

    Unique numerical identifier for the Product/Pack

  • SOT (Start of Time)

    This is indicated where a record was authored before the creation of dm+d September 2002.

  • Special Container

    Pack or sub-pack is classed as a special container as defined in the Drug Tariff – Part II clause 10B.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.

  • Strength and UOM (Dmr)

    Strength and unit of measure associated with the denominator value of the ingredient.

  • Strength and UOM (Nmr)

    Strength and unit of measure associated with the numerator value of the ingredient.

  • Subpack Information

    Composition of medicinal products that are composed of the same product packed in sub-packs.
    Indicator held at AMPP level.

  • Supplier

    Name used to describe the supplier


  • There are currently no terms listed


  • UOM

    Unit of measure


  • VMP link

    Virtual Medicinal Product link

  • VTM link

    Virtual Therapeutic Moiety link


  • There are currently no terms listed


  • There are currently no terms listed


  • There are currently no terms listed


  • There are currently no terms listed