Ingredient - Sucrose

Name Details

Name Start Date End Date
Current Name Current Name Sucrose Start Date 10-04-2003 End Date


Code Start Date End Date
11320009 02-11-2006
4246911000001109 10-04-2003 01-11-2006

Virtual Medicinal Products (VMPs)

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Page 1 of 1 - 13 total results
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VMPs for VTM
Name Discontinued Invalid
Generic Adult Meltus for Chesty Coughs and Catarrh oral solution
Generic GSF-Syrup oral gel 18g sachets
Generic Junior Meltus for Chesty Coughs and Catarrh oral solution sugar free
Generic ORA-Sweet oral solution
Generic SOS Rehydrate oral powder sachets
Generic Super Wate-On oral emulsion
Glycerol 750microlitres/5ml / Sucrose 1.7g/5ml oral solution
Sucrose oral powder
Syrup unpreserved
Tragacanth compound powder
Wild cherry syrup