Virtual Therapeutic Moiety (VTM) - Zoledronic acid

Name Details

Name Start Date End Date
Name Current Name Zoledronic acid Start Date 10-12-2004 End Date



VTM SNOMED code history
Code Start date End date
Current SNOMED Code 777988006 Start Date 06-02-2023 End Date
Current SNOMED Code 134600006 Start Date 10-12-2004 End Date 05-02-2023

Virtual Medicinal Products (VMPs)

Currently viewing
Page 1 of 1 - 8 total results
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VMPs for VTM
Name Discontinued Invalid
Zoledronic acid 4mg powder and solvent for solution for infusion vials
Zoledronic acid 4mg/100ml infusion bags
Zoledronic acid 4mg/100ml infusion bottles
Zoledronic acid 4mg/100ml solution for infusion vials
Zoledronic acid 4mg/5ml solution for infusion vials
Zoledronic acid 5mg/100ml infusion bags
Zoledronic acid 5mg/100ml infusion bottles
Zoledronic acid 5mg/100ml solution for infusion vials