Anatomical Therapeutic Code (ATC) - Code search

Select ATC from the 'Code type' menu.

A code lookup with an ATC type.
1. A code lookup search for an ATC.

Enter the ATC into the box labelled 'Code' and select the search button. This returns a list of Virtual Medicinal Products (VMPs) which match the search criteria.

Code lookup results showing multiple VMP entries of the ATC.
2. The results table provides the VMP name which relates to the search criteria entered.

To view a VMP select the appropriate VMP name. This will redirect to a separate page presenting further detail. For example, associated codes or VMP ingredients.

A VMP entry, including links multiple parent products, packs or further information.
3. A VMP of Atenolol.

From here, more details on the parent products or pack information can be accessed by selecting the relevant name from the list. Finally, further information can be sought via the links within the 'Further Links' section.