British National Formulary (BNF) Chapter - Code search

Select BNF Chapter from the 'Code type' menu.

A code lookup with a BNF Chapter code type.
1. A code lookup search for a BNF Chapter code.

Enter the BNF Chapter into the box labelled 'Code' and select the search button A table of results is presented.

Code lookup results showing multiple VMP entries of a BNF Chapter.
2. The result table provides the VMP Name of products which relate to the BNF chapter selected.

The results table presents a list of products, at Virtual Medicinal Product (VMP) level, which relate to the BNF chapter entered. To view a VMP select the appropriate VMP name. This will redirect to a separate page presenting further detail. For example, associated codes or VMP ingredients.

A VMP entry, including links to multiple parent products, packs or further information.
3. A VMP of Atenolol.